Belle-II Experiment Network Requirements
Asner, David ; Bell, Greg ; Carlson, Tim ; Cowley, David ; Dart, Eli ; Erwin, Brock ; Godang, Romulus ; Hara, Takanori ; Johnson, Jerry ; Johnson, Ron ; Johnston, Bill ; Dam, Kerstin Kleese-van ; Kaneko, Toshiaki ; Kubota, Yoshihiro ; Kuhr, Thomas ; McCoy, John ; Miyake,
关键词: Belle Belle-II ESnet data intensive science requirements network networks networking;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1171367
RP-ID  :  LBNL-6268E
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1171367
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The Belle experiment, part of a broad-based search for new physics, is a collaboration of ~400 physicists from 55 institutions across four continents. The Belle detector is located at the KEKB accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan. The Belle detector was operated at the asymmetric electron-positron collider KEKB from 1999-2010. The detector accumulated more than 1 ab-1 of integrated luminosity, corresponding to more than 2 PB of data near 10 GeV center-of-mass energy. Recently, KEK has initiated a $400 million accelerator upgrade to be called SuperKEKB, designed to produce instantaneous and integrated luminosity two orders of magnitude greater than KEKB. The new international collaboration at SuperKEKB is called Belle II. The first data from Belle II/SuperKEKB is expected in 2015. In October 2012, senior members of the Belle-II collaboration gathered at PNNL to discuss the computing and neworking requirements of the Belle-II experiment with ESnet staff and other computing and networking experts. The day-and-a-half-long workshop characterized the instruments and facilities used in the experiment, the process of science for Belle-II, and the computing and networking equipment and configuration requirements to realize the full scientific potential of the collaboration's work.

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