Section IV.D.3 for DOE 2013 Annual Report: Novel Phosphazene-based Compounds to Enhance Safety and Stability of Cell Chemistries for High Voltage Applications (INL)
Kevin L. Gering ; Mason K. Harrup ; Eric J. Dufek ; Sergiy V. Sazhin ; Harry W. Rollins ; David K. Jamison ; Fred F. Stewart ; John Burba
关键词: lithium-ion batteries;    phosphazene compounds;    polymer-based anodes;    safe resilient electrolytes;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1116750
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT-13-30529
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1116750
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Electrolytes play a central role in performance and aging in most electrochemical systems. As automotive and grid applications place a higher reliance on electrochemical stored energy, it becomes more urgent to have electrolyte components that enable optimal battery performance while promoting battery safety and longevity. Safety remains a foremost concern for widespread utilization of Li-ion technology in electric-drive vehicles, especially as the focus turns to higher voltage systems (5V). This work capitalizes on the long established INL expertise regarding phosphazene chemistry, aimed at battery-viable compounds for electrolytes and electrodes that are highly tolerant to abusive conditions. This report showcases our 2013 work for the DOE applied battery research (ABR) program, wherein testing results are summarized for INL electrolytes and alternative anode materials.

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