Long-Term Testing of Rhodium-Based Catalysts for Mixed Alcohol Synthesis ??? 2013 Progress Report
Gerber, Mark A. ; Gray, Michel J. ; Thompson, Becky L.
关键词: mixed alcohol synthesis;    catalysts;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1095445
RP-ID  :  PNNL-22786
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1095445
Others  :  Other: BM0101010
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The U.S. Department of Energy???s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has been conducting research since 2005 to develop a catalyst for the conversion of synthesis gas (carbon monoxide and hydrogen) into mixed alcohols for use in liquid transportation fuels. Initially, research involved screening possible catalysts based on a review of the literature, because at that time, there were no commercial catalysts available. The screening effort resulted in a decision to focus on catalysts containing rhodium and manganese. Subsequent research identified iridium as a key promoter for this catalyst system. Since then, research has continued to improve rhodium/manganese/iridium-based catalysts, optimizing the relative and total concentrations of the three metals, examining baseline catalysts on alternative supports, and examining effects of additional promoters. Testing was continued in FY 2013 to evaluate the performance and long-term stability of the best catalysts tested to date. Three tests were conducted. A long-term test of over 2300 hr duration at a single set of operating conditions was conducted with the best carbon-supported catalyst. A second test of about 650 hr duration at a single set of operating conditions was performed for comparison using the same catalyst formulation on an alternative carbon support. A third test of about 680 hr duration at a single set of operating conditions was performed using the best silica-supported catalyst tested to date.

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