Overheating in Hot Water- and Steam-Heated Multifamily Buildings
Dentz, J.1  Varshney, K.1  Henderson, H.1 
[1] ARIES Collaborative, New York, NY (United States)
关键词: overheating;    multifamily;    steam heat;    hydronic heat;    energy efficiency;    energy management system;    boiler control;    residential;    residential buildings;    ARIES;    Building America;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1220274
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO--102013-4013
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1220274
Others  :  Other: 6524
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

In this project, the ARIES Building America team collected apartment temperature data from the archives of companies that provide energy management systems (EMS) to multifamily buildings in the Northeast U.S. Data was analyzed from more than 100 apartments in eighteen buildings where EMS systems were already installed to quantify the degree of overheating in an effort to answer the question, "What is the magnitude of apartment overheating in multifamily buildings with central hot water or steam heat?" This report provides valuable information to researchers, utility program managers and building owners interested in controlling heating energy waste and improving resident comfort.

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