Abrasion Testing of Critical Components of Hydrokinetic Devices
Worthington, Monty1  Ali, Muhammad2  Ravens, Tom3 
[1]ORPC Alaska
[2]Ohio University
[3]University of Alaska Anchorage
关键词: abrasion;    bearings;    marine hydrokinetic;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1110808
RP-ID  :  Final Scientific Report
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1110808
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
The objective of the Abrasion Testing of Critical Components of Hydrokinetic Devices (Project) was to test critical components of hydrokinetic devices in waters with high levels of suspended sediment ??? information that is widely applicable to the hydrokinetic industry. Tidal and river sites in Alaska typically have high suspended sediment concentrations. High suspended sediment also occurs in major rivers and estuaries throughout the world and throughout high latitude locations where glacial inputs introduce silt into water bodies. In assessing the vulnerability of technology components to sediment induced abrasion, one of the greatest concerns is the impact that the sediment may have on device components such as bearings and seals, failures of which could lead to both efficiency loss and catastrophic system failures.
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