Development of the University of Washington Biofuels and Biobased Chemicals Process Laboratory
Gustafson, Richard1 
[1] University of Washington
关键词: Steam pretreatment;    bioconversion;    hyrdolysis;    fermentation;    biofuels;    cellulosic.;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1117862
RP-ID  :  DOE F 241.3
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1117862
Others  :  Other: A51187
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The funding from this research grant enabled us to design and build a bioconversion steam explosion reactor and ancillary equipment such as a high pressure boiler and a fermenter to support the bioconversion process research. This equipment has been in constant use since its installation in 2012. Following are research projects that it has supported: ??? Investigation of novel chip production method in biofuels production ??? Investigation of biomass refining following steam explosion ??? Several studies on use of different biomass feedstocks ??? Investigation of biomass moisture content on pretreatment efficacy. ??? Development of novel instruments for biorefinery process control Having this equipment was also instrumental in the University of Washington receiving a $40 million grant from the US Department of Agriculture for biofuels development as well as several other smaller grants. The research that is being done with the equipment from this grant will facilitate the establishment of a biofuels industry in the Pacific Northwest and enable the University of Washington to launch a substantial biofuels and bio-based product research program.

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