Further Development and Application of GEOFRAC-FLOW to a Geothermal Reservoir
Einstein, Herbert1  Vecchiarelli, Alessandra1 
[1] Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States)
关键词: 3D;    modeling;    stochastic;    mechanical;    hierarchical;    Recovery Act;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1236455
RP-ID  :  DE--EE0002743
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1236455
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

GEOFRAC is a three-dimensional, geology-based, geometric-mechanical, hierarchical, stochastic model of natural rock fracture systems. The main characteristics of GEOFRAC are its use of statistical input representing fracture patterns in the field in form of the fracture intensity P32 (fracture area per volume) and the best estimate fracture size E(A). This information can be obtained from boreholes or scanlines on the surface, on the one hand, and from window sampling of fracture traces on the other hand. In the context of this project, ???Recovery Act - Decision Aids for Geothermal Systems???, GEOFRAC was further developed into GEOFRAC-FLOW as has been reported in the reports, ???Decision Aids for Geothermal Systems - Fracture Pattern Modelling??? and ???Decision Aids for Geothermal Systems - Fracture Flow Modeling???. GEOFRAC-FLOW allows one to determine preferred, interconnected fracture paths and the flow through them.

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