Control of New Kinetic Barriers and Design of Nanorods
Huang, Hanchen1 
[1] Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs, CT (United States)
关键词: Nanorod;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1163119
RP-ID  :  DE--SC0000894
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1163119
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The report will follow a theme of theoretical developments. However, it should be noted that this project has always relied on the synergy of theoretical formulations, atomistic simulations, and experiments; and it will continue to do so. In the following, we start with a background section 1 to briefly introduce the relevant developments by others, and the first foundational element from our own work during earlier project periods. Afterwards, we present the three new foundational elements in sections 2-??4, highlight scientific and technological impacts of the theoretical developments in section 5, and finally present an ???accidental??? development of a computational tool in section 6.

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