Quasi-isochronous muon collection channels
Ankenbrandt, Charles M.1  Neuffer, David2  Johnson, Rolland P.1 
[1]Muons, Inc., Batavia, IL (United States)
[2]Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (FNAL), Batavia, IL (United States)
关键词: helical;    isochronous;    muon;    beam;    cooling;    collection;    RF bunch;    collection;    coalescing;    magnetic channel;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1178562
RP-ID  :  DOE-Muons--0002739
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1178562
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
Intense muon beams have many potential commercial and scientific applications, ranging from low-energy investigations of the basic properties of matter using spin resonance to large energy-frontier muon colliders. However, muons originate from a tertiary process that produces a diffuse swarm. To make useful beams, the swarm must be rapidly captured and cooled before the muons decay. In this STTR project a promising new concept for the collection and cooling of muon beams to increase their intensity and reduce their emittances was investigated, namely, the use of a nearly isochronous helical cooling channel (HCC) to facilitate capture of the muons into RF bunches. The muon beam can then be cooled quickly and coalesced efficiently to optimize the luminosity of a muon collider, or could provide compressed muon beams for other applications. Optimal ways to integrate such a subsystem into the rest of a muon collection and cooling system, for collider and other applications, were developed by analysis and simulation. The application of quasi-isochronous helical cooling channels (QIHCC) for RF capture of muon beams was developed. Innovative design concepts for a channel incorporating straight solenoids, a matching section, and an HCC, including RF and absorber, were developed, and its subsystems were simulated. Additionally, a procedure that uses an HCC to combine bunches for a muon collider was invented and simulated. Difficult design aspects such as matching sections between subsystems and intensity-dependent effects were addressed. The bunch recombination procedure was developed into a complete design with 3-D simulations. Bright muon beams are needed for many commercial and scientific reasons. Potential commercial applications include low-dose radiography, muon catalyzed fusion, and the use of muon beams to screen cargo containers for homeland security. Scientific uses include low energy beams for rare process searches, muon spin resonance applications, muon beams for neutrino factories, and muon colliders as Higgs factories or energy-frontier discovery machines.
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