Progress Report on Alloy 617 Time Dependent Allowables
Wright, Julie Knibloe1 
[1] Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)
关键词: ART;    ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code;    VHTR;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1236836
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT--15-35640
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1236836
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Time dependent allowable stresses are required in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code for design of components in the temperature range where time dependent deformation (i.e., creep) is expected to become significant. There are time dependent allowable stresses in Section IID of the Code for use in the non-nuclear construction codes, however, there are additional criteria that must be considered in developing time dependent allowables for nuclear components. These criteria are specified in Section III NH. St is defined as the lesser of three quantities: 100% of the average stress required to obtain a total (elastic, plastic, primary and secondary creep) strain of 1%; 67% of the minimum stress to cause rupture; and 80% of the minimum stress to cause the initiation of tertiary creep. The values are reported for a range of temperatures and for time increments up to 100,000 hours. These values are determined from uniaxial creep tests, which involve the elevated temperature application of a constant load which is relatively small, resulting in deformation over a long time period prior to rupture. The stress which is the minimum resulting from these criteria is the time dependent allowable stress St. In this report data from a large number of creep and creep-rupture tests on Alloy 617 are analyzed using the ASME Section III NH criteria. Data which are used in the analysis are from the ongoing DOE sponsored high temperature materials program, form Korea Atomic Energy Institute through the Generation IV VHTR Materials Program and historical data from previous HTR research and vendor data generated in developing the alloy. It is found that the tertiary creep criterion determines St at highest temperatures, while the stress to cause 1% total strain controls at low temperatures. The ASME Section III Working Group on Allowable Stress Criteria has recommended that the uncertainties associated with determining the onset of tertiary creep and the lack of significant cavitation associated with early tertiary creep strain suggest that the tertiary creep criteria is not appropriate for this material. If the tertiary creep criterion is dropped from consideration, the stress to rupture criteria determines St at all but the lowest temperatures.

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