Dynamic Event Tree advancements and control logic improvements
Alfonsi, Andrea1  Rabiti, Cristian1  Mandelli, Diego1  Sen, Ramazan Sonat1  Cogliati, Joshua Joseph1 
[1] Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)
关键词: R CODES;    MONTE CARLO METHOD;    SAMPLING;    MATHEMATICAL SPACE;    CONTROL;    PROBABILISTIC ESTIMATION;    RISK ASSESSMENT;    DATA PROCESSING;    OPTIMIZATION Control Logic;    Dynamic Event Tree;    Limit Surface;    Probabilist Risk Assessment;    RAVEN;    Reduced Order Model;    Sampling;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1244634
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT--15-36758
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1244634
Others  :  TRN: US1601057
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

The RAVEN code has been under development at the Idaho National Laboratory since 2012. Its main goal is to create a multi-purpose platform for the deploying of all the capabilities needed for Probabilistic Risk Assessment, uncertainty quantification, data mining analysis and optimization studies. RAVEN is currently equipped with three different sampling categories: Forward samplers (Monte Carlo, Latin Hyper Cube, Stratified, Grid Sampler, Factorials, etc.), Adaptive Samplers (Limit Surface search, Adaptive Polynomial Chaos, etc.) and Dynamic Event Tree (DET) samplers (Deterministic and Adaptive Dynamic Event Trees). The main subject of this document is to report the activities that have been done in order to: start the migration of the RAVEN/RELAP-7 control logic system into MOOSE, and develop advanced dynamic sampling capabilities based on the Dynamic Event Tree approach. In order to provide to all MOOSE-based applications a control logic capability, in this Fiscal Year an initial migration activity has been initiated, moving the control logic system, designed for RELAP-7 by the RAVEN team, into the MOOSE framework. In this document, a brief explanation of what has been done is going to be reported. The second and most important subject of this report is about the development of a Dynamic Event Tree (DET) sampler named ???Hybrid Dynamic Event Tree??? (HDET) and its Adaptive variant ???Adaptive Hybrid Dynamic Event Tree??? (AHDET). As other authors have already reported, among the different types of uncertainties, it is possible to discern two principle types: aleatory and epistemic uncertainties. The classical Dynamic Event Tree is in charge of treating the first class (aleatory) uncertainties; the dependence of the probabilistic risk assessment and analysis on the epistemic uncertainties are treated by an initial Monte Carlo sampling (MCDET). From each Monte Carlo sample, a DET analysis is run (in total, N trees). The Monte Carlo employs a pre-sampling of the input space characterized by epistemic uncertainties. The consequent Dynamic Event Tree performs the exploration of the aleatory space. In the RAVEN code, a more general approach has been developed, not limiting the exploration of the epistemic space through a Monte Carlo method but using all the forward sampling strategies RAVEN currently employs. The user can combine a Latin Hyper Cube, Grid, Stratified and Monte Carlo sampling in order to explore the epistemic space, without any limitation. From this pre-sampling, the Dynamic Event Tree sampler starts its aleatory space exploration. As reported by the authors, the Dynamic Event Tree is a good fit to develop a goal-oriented sampling strategy. The DET is used to drive a Limit Surface search. The methodology that has been developed by the authors last year, performs a Limit Surface search in the aleatory space only. This report documents how this approach has been extended in order to consider the epistemic space interacting with the Hybrid Dynamic Event Tree methodology.

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