Summary of the Advanced Reactor Design Criteria (ARDC) Phase 2 Activities
Holbrook, Mark Raymond1 
[1] Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)
关键词: HTGR TYPE REACTORS;    DESIGN;    SODIUM COOLED REACTORS;    FAST REACTORS;    US NRC;    REGULATIONS ARDC;    ART;    General Design Criteria;    High Temperature Gas cooled Reactor;    Licensing;    light water reactor;    Nuclear Regulatory Commission;    Sodium Fast Reactor;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1236800
RP-ID  :  INL/EXT--15-36547
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1236800
Others  :  TRN: US1600269
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

This report provides an end-of-year summary reflecting the progress and status of proposed regulatory design criteria for advanced non-LWR designs in accordance with the Level 3 milestone in M3AT-15IN2001017 in work package AT-15IN200101. These criteria have been designated as ARDC, and they provide guidance to future applicants for addressing the GDC that are currently applied specifically to LWR designs. The report provides a summary of Phase 2 activities related to the various tasks associated with ARDC development and the subsequent development of example adaptations of ARDC for Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) and modular High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) designs.

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