Final Report for Project. Quark matter under extreme conditions
Incera, Vivian1  Ferrer, Efrain1 
[1]Univ. of Texas, El Paso, TX (United States)
关键词: QUARK MATTER;    QUANTUM CHROMODYNAMICS;    MAGNETIC FIELDS;    HEAVY ION REACTIONS;    CRITICAL TEMPERATURE;    NEUTRON STARS;    PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS;    CHIRALITY;    SEMIMETALS;    TOPOLOGY;    RESEARCH PROGRAMS Quark matter phases;    heavy-ion collisions;    neutron stars;    magnetic fields effects in quark mater;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1242704
RP-ID  :  UTEP--02179
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1242704
Others  :  TRN: US1600917
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
The results obtained in the two years of the grant have served to shine new light on several important questions about the phases of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) under extreme conditions that include quark matter at high density, as well quark-gluon plasma at high temperatures, both in the presence of strong magnetic fields. The interest in including an external magnetic field on these studies is motivated by the generation of large magnetic fields in off-central heavy-ion collisions and by their common presence in astrophysical compact objects, the two scenarios where the physics of quark matter becomes relevant. The tasks carried out in this DOE project led us, among other things, to discover the first connection between the physics of very dense quark matter and novel materials as for instance topological insulators and Weyl semimetals; they allowed us to find a physical explanation for and a solution to a standing puzzle in the apparent effect of a magnetic field on the critical temperature of the QCD chiral transition; and they led us to establish by the first time that the core of the observed two-solar-mass neutron stars could be made up of quark matter in certain inhomogeneous chiral phases in a magnetic field and that this was consistent with current astrophysical observations. A major goal established by the Nuclear Science Advisory committee in its most recent report ???Reaching for the Horizon??? has been ???to truly understand how nuclei and strongly interacting matter in all its forms behave and can predict their behavior in new settings.??? The results found in this DOE project have all contributed to address this goal, and thus they are important for advancing fundamental knowledge in the area of nuclear physics and for enhancing our understanding of the role of strong magnetic fields in the two settings where they are most relevant, neutron stars and heavy-ion collisions.
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