Time for action - towards sustainable consumption and production in Europe
European Environment Agency
关键词: food consumption;    tax reform;    mobility;    green taxes;    housing;    green purchasing;    pricing policy;    sustainability;    food production;    resource efficiency;    sustainable consumption and production;   
RP-ID  :  Technical report No 1/2008
来源: EEA Publications
【 摘 要 】
Summary report of the conference held on 27�C29 September 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The objective of this report is to present the outcomes of the conference by focusing on the potential solutions and actions proposed and the recommendations developed in the Focus Labs and the Exchange Labs as well as the panel discussion of the final conference plenary session. A brief analysis of the conference outcomes is also provided. This focuses on a comparison of the types of recommendations made in the Focus Labs on the areas of housing, food and drink and mobility.
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