Animal Health (Foot and Mouth Disease) (Jersey) Order 2017 (R&O. 10/2017).
关键词: Food quality control/food safety;    Hygiene/sanitary procedures;    Milk/dairy products;    Biosecurity;    Animal health;    Pests/diseases;    Quarantine;    Inspection;    International trade;    Disinfection/disinfestation;    Vaccination;    Cattle;    Swine;    Sheep/goats;    Ranching/captive breeding;   
【 摘 要 】

This Order, made under Articles 2(2), 4(2), 7, 17(8) and 32 of the Animal Health (Jersey) Law 2016, introduces measures for the prevention of spreading of foot and mouth disease in Jersey. For the purposes of this Order the definition of “animal” in Article 4 of the Law is extended to include (and is limited to) all four-legged animals. This Order does not apply to any specified animal pathogen that is the subject of a licence under Article 15(1) of the Law or to which that Article does not appl

【 授权许可】


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