Resolution No. 8 of 1979 defining commercial and industrial houses and public utilities subject to Law No. 3 of 1975.
关键词: Authorization/permit;    Fertilizers/nutrients;    Pollution control;    Protection of habitats;    Noise pollution;    Beverages;    Cereals/grains/rice;    Condiments/herbs/spices;    Fish products;    Meat;    Milk/dairy products;    Poultry products;   
【 摘 要 】

This Resolution is composed of 2 articles and 4 Annexes. Article 1 defines commercial and industrial houses and public utilities provided for in Law No. 3 of 1975. Annex I contains the list of commercial houses, industrial houses and public utilities. Annex II contains the list of shops for sale and offer food and beverages such as restaurants, coffee shops, bakeries, food preparing and sale, fruit press, sweets and mineral beverages. Annex III contains the list of activities such as hotels, age

【 授权许可】


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