Law No. 7 of 1982 on the protection of the environment.
关键词: Air quality/air pollution;    Authorization/permit;    Basic legislation;    Classification/declassification;    EIA;    Environmental planning;    Harbour;    Hazardous waste;    Inspection;    Institution;    Marine pollution;    Pollution control;    Waste disposal;    Emissions;    Fishing gear/fishing method;    Marine fisheries;    Mesh;   
【 摘 要 】
This Law consists of 11 Chapters divided into 75 articles. Chapter I contains general provisions. Protection of the air is dealt in Chapter II. Protection of seas and marine resources is given in Chapter III. Protection of water resources is provided for in Chapter IV. Protection of food and foodstuffs is refered to in Chapter V. Chapter VI deals with environment saving. Chapter VII addresses the protection against common diseases. Chapter VIII relates to the protection of soil and plants. Prote
【 授权许可】


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