Ministerial Decree No. 1418 regarding licensing some types of activity.
关键词: Environmental audit;    Certification;    Waste disposal;    Waste non-domestic sources;    Waste management;    Aquaculture;    Mariculture;    Fishing authorization;    Authorization/permit;    Viticulture/oenological practices;    Transport/storage;    Processing/handling;    Mining;    Exploration;   
【 摘 要 】

The Government, for the purpose of carrying out common state policy in the field of licensing of some types of activity and ensuring protection of vital interests of individuals, society and state, decrees to validate the Regulation on licensing (attached) and the List of types of activity subject to licensing in accordance with the Annex 1. The Regulation determines the modalities of licensing in the Russian Federation. Some types of activity are carried out by enterprises, organizations and in

【 授权许可】


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