Decision No. 210/2001 pertaining to the Executive By-Law of the Law of Environment Public Authority.
关键词: Authorization/permit;    Transport/storage;    Solid waste;    Biodiversity;    Effluent waste water/discharge;    Radiation;    EIA;    Pollution control;    Environmental planning;    Environmental standards;    Hazardous substances;    Hazardous waste;    Noise pollution;    Air quality/air pollution;    Waste domestic sources;    Waste management;    Waste non-domestic sources;    Waste disposal;    Marine pollution;    Coastal zone management;    Transboundary movement of waste;    Packaging/labelling;    Irrigation;    Endangered species;    Protection of species;    Protection of environment;    Plant protection;   
【 摘 要 】
This Resolution consisting of 89 articles divided in X Chapters aims at defining the obligations and requirements to be followed to maintain the internal and external environment free from pollution. Chapter I deals with the studies of environmental impact aiming at confining the negative impacts during the various stages of the project. It states that concerned authorities are entitled to grant licenses for the establishment of any project or introducing modifications; Chapter II sets out requi
【 授权许可】


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