Biodiversity and Wildlife Act
关键词: Ecosystem preservation;    Protected area;    Protected fishing area;    Forestry protection measures;    Basic legislation;    Biodiversity;    Policy/planning;    Wild fauna;    Wild flora;    Genetic resources;    Education;    Institution;    Inventory;    Management/conservation;    Monitoring;    Protection of habitats;    Research;    Special fund;    Traditional rights/customary rights;    Access and benefit sharing;    Community management;    Public participation;    Use restrictions;    Wildlife products;    Dangerous animal/harmful animal;    Enforcement/compliance;    Offences/penalties;   
【 摘 要 】
This Act provides for the protection of biodiversity in The Gambia and provides with respect to the establishment and management of Protected Areas. It also establishes a Biodiversity Fund and regulates hunting and harvesting of scheduled biological resources and the import and export of such resources. “Biological resource” means a genetic organism or other biotic component of eco-systems with actual or potential use or value for humanity. “Scheduled biological resource” means a Scheduled biolo
【 授权许可】


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