Protection Zone Law (1997)
关键词: Protected area;    Use restrictions;    Zoning;    Coastal zone management;    Forest management/forest conservation;    Protection forest;    Drainage/land reclamation;    Cultural heritage;    Disinfection/disinfestation;    Hygiene/sanitary procedures;    Environmental standards;    Protection of environment;    Oil;    Natural gas;    Management/conservation;    Waste disposal;    Hazardous substances;    Sustainable development;    Water conservation zone;    Waterworks;    Groundwater;    Potable water;    Surface water;    Water supply;   
【 摘 要 】

The Law provides rules on different types of protection zones, protected areas, and protection strips, which are specified in laws and other regulatory enactments. Its purpose is to determine the types of protection zones and the functions thereof; the basic principles for the establishment of protection zones; the procedures for the maintenance and control of the condition of protection zones; and restrictions of economic activity in protection zones. According to the Law, there are the followi

【 授权许可】


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