Ministerial Order No. 23/MOP/2013 establishing and regulating the structure of the Directorate General for Water and Sanitation (DGAS) of the Ministry of Public Works.
关键词: Pollution control;    Soil pollution/quality;    Waste disposal;    Waste domestic sources;    Waste management;    Waste non-domestic sources;    Water quality standards;    Industrial water use;    Business/industry/corporations;    Inspection;    Waste prevention;    Effluent waste water/discharge;    Environmental planning;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;    Policy/planning;    Environmental standards;   
【 摘 要 】

This Ministerial Order, consisting of IV Chapters, establishes and regulates the structure of the Directorate General for Water and Sanitation (DGAS) of the Ministry of Public Works (MOP). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the DGAS, which is entitled for ensuring the general guidance and integrated coordination of all central services of the MOP in the areas of quality and water supply, sanitation, waste diposal (including industrial waste), water and solid waste. The DG

【 授权许可】


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