Code of Conduct For Various Segments of the Aquaculture-Based Shrimp Industry in Bangladesh.
关键词: Agricultural development;    Fiscal and market measures;    Poverty;    Rural employment;    Gender and natural resources;    Ecosystem preservation;    Integrated management;    Marine fisheries;    Policy/planning;    Aquaculture;    Mariculture;    Animal feed/feedstuffs;    Fish disease;    Sustainable development;    Drugs;    Fish products;    Food quality control/food safety;    Food security;    Nutrition;    HACCP;    Processing/handling;    Packaging/labelling;    Traceability/product tracing;    Coastal zone management;    Wetlands;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;    Biodiversity;    Alien species;    Genetic resources;   
【 摘 要 】
This Code of Conduct, originally prepared and further revised by the Department of Fisheries Government of Bangladesh and the Department of Fisheries Government of Bangladesh concern certain types of shrimp fisheries and shrimp processing and related matters. It develops a set of prescribed rules and practices relating to - protection of legal ownership and right of use of the shrimp hatcheries; (ii) social conflicts on the use of common properties (water usage conflicts and agricultural land us
【 授权许可】


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