Regional Law No. 208-oz “On delimitation of plenary powers between regional state bodies in the sphere of management of industrial and domestic waste”.
关键词: Institution;    Policy/planning;    Waste domestic sources;    Waste non-domestic sources;    Waste disposal;    Recycling/reuse;    Waste prevention;    Disasters;    Environmental audit;    Waste management;   
【 摘 要 】
This Regional Law delimits plenary powers between regional state bodies in the sphere of management of industrial and domestic waste. Regional executive body in the sphere of waste management shall have the following plenary powers: (a) elaboration and realization of regional programs in the sphere of waste management, including solid domestic waste; (b) regulation of solid domestic waste management; (c) establishment of the rates of solid domestic waste storage; (d) organization of separate col
【 授权许可】


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