Order No. 223-A/2017 amending the implementation of support 6.2.2, 'Restoring potential productivity', inserted in action 6.2 'Prevention and restoration of potential productivity', of measure 6 'Risk management and restoration of potential productivity of the Mainland Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020).
关键词: Agricultural development;    Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings;    Agricultural land;    Subsidy/incentive;    Climate change;    Desertification;    Soil conservation/soil improvement;    Soil rehabilitation;   
【 摘 要 】

This Order establishes the second amendment to the implementation of support 6.2.2, 'Restoring potential productivity', inserted in action 6.2 'Prevention and restoration of potential productivity', of measure 6 'Risk management and restoration of potential productivity of the Mainland Rural Development Programme (PDR 2020). Amendments deal with administrative and legal proceedings, in particular the total eligible expenditure in the case of beneficiaries who have received direct payments due to

【 授权许可】


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