Decision No. 1043/QD-TTg approving Vietnam's industrialization strategy within the framework of Vietnam-Japan cooperation through 2020 with a vision toward 2030.
关键词: Agricultural development;    Equipment;    Energy conservation/energy production;    Ecosystem preservation;    Pollution control;    Fish products;    Fishery management and conservation;    Fishing vessel;    Food quality control/food safety;    Processing/handling;    Public health;   
【 摘 要 】

This Decision approves Vietnam's industrialization strategy within the framework of Vietnam-Japan cooperation through 2020 with a vision toward 2030 with the following major objectives: a) Vision: strongly develop six priority industries, including electronics, agricultural machinery, agricultural fishery product processing, shipbuilding, environment and energy saving and automobiles and auto parts manufacturing, into spearhead industries of the economy with high added value and international co

【 授权许可】


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