Law No. 67/2014/QH13 on Investment. | |
Legislation | |
关键词: Agricultural development; Legal proceedings/administrative proceedings; Credit; Subsidy/incentive; Processing/handling; Energy conservation/energy production; Clean development mechanism; Nuclear energy; Aquaculture; Aquatic animals; Internal trade; International trade; Animal feed/feedstuffs; Animal production; Animal reproduction; | |
越南|英语 | |
来源: ECOLEX |
【 摘 要 】
This Law, consisting of 76 articles divided into seven Chapters and completed by four Appendices, establishes the sectors and requirements benefiting from investments. Sectors and trades eligible for investment incentives are: Hi-tech activities, hi-tech supporting industry products; research and development activities; Production of new materials, new energies, clean energies and renewable energies; manufacture of products with an added value of at least 30% and energy-efficient products; Manuf
【 授权许可】