Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap
来源: Climate Policy Database
【 摘 要 】
The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap contains detailed implementation plans to achieve the national greenhouse gas reduction goals set in 2009, was announced in January 2014. The final road map BAU and reduction goals for each sector are: - The BAU of greenhouse gas in the goal year of 2020 is 776 million tons of CO2e, which will be reduced to 543 million CO2e if the reduction goal of 30% is reached. - (implemented) buildings: 45.01 Mton (26.9) reduction from 2020 BAU of 167.23 Mton - (planned) industry: 81.3 Mton (18.5%) reduction from 2020 BAU of 439 Mton - (planned) transport: 34.18 (34.4%) reduction from 2020 BAU of 99.58 Mton Targets - (implemented) buildings: 45.01 Mton (26.9) reduction from 2020 BAU of 167.23 Mton
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