A depth-averaged non-cohesive sediment transport model with improved discretization of flux and source terms
Zhao, Jiaheng1  Ozgen-Xian, Ilhan2  Liang, Dongfang3  Wang, Tian1,4  Hinkelmann, Reinhard1 
[1] Tech Univ Berlin, Chair Water Resources Management & Modeling Hydro, Berlin, Germany
[2] Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab, Energy Geosci Div, Berkeley, CA USA
[3] Univ Cambridge, Dept Engn, Cambridge, England
[4] Xian Univ Technol, State Key Lab Ecohydraul Northwest Arid Reg China, Xian 710048, Shaanxi, Peoples R China
关键词: Sediment transport;    Total load model;    HLLC Riemann solver;    Finite-volume method;    Source term treatment;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.12.059
来源: Elsevier
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents novel flux and source term treatments within a Godunov-type finite volume framework for predicting the depth-averaged shallow water flow and sediment transport with enhanced the accuracy and stability. The suspended load ratio is introduced to differentiate between the advection of the suspended load and the advection of water. A modified Harten, Lax and van Leer Riemann solver with the contact wave restored (HLLC) is derived for the flux calculation based on the new wave pattern involving the suspended load ratio. The source term calculation is enhanced by means of a novel splitting-point implicit discretization. The slope effect is introduced by modifying the critical shear stress, with two treatments being discussed. The numerical scheme is tested in five examples that comprise both fixed and movable beds. The model predictions show good agreement with measurement, except for cases where local three-dimensional effects dominate.

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