Prelimihary survey of matrix effects in the Microwave-sustained, Inductively Coupled Atmospheric-pressure Plasma (MICAP)
Thaler, Klemens M.1,2  Schwartz, Andrew J.1,3  Haisch, Christoph2  Niessner, Reinhard2  Hieftje, Gary M.1 
[1] Indiana Univ, Lab Spectrochem, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
[2] Tech Univ Munich, Inst Hydrochem, Analyt Chem, Marchioninistr 17, D-81377 Munich, Germany
[3] SUNY Buffalo, 407 Nat Sci Complex, Buffalo, NY 14260 USA
关键词: Elemental analysis;    Atomic emission spectrometry;    Matrix;    Interferences;    Nitrogen plasma;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.talanta.2017.12.021
来源: Elsevier
【 摘 要 】

Matrix effects caused by Na and Al in the nitrogen Microwave-sustained, Inductively Coupled, Atmospheric pressure Plasma (MICAP) were investigated. Easily ionizable elements, such as Na, can suppress or enhance the analyte signal; Al is shown here to produce a similar effect. The influence of these matrices was examined for 18 emission lines of 8 analyte atoms and ions having a wide range of excitation and ionization energies. The plasma operating conditions were fixed during all experiments at a total nitrogen flow of 19.4 L min(-1) and a microwave power of 1.5 kW. An Fe solution was used to determine the excitation temperature of the plasma by the Boltzmann plot method at selected matrix concentrations. In addition, vertical emission profiles of the plasma were measured. The matrix effect becomes worse at higher concentrations of an easily ionizable element. The effect is caused not only by a shift in ionization equilibrium but also by a possible change in plasma ionization temperature. Correction methods to reduce the matrix effects were tested and are discussed.

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