Integration of in-situ and multi-sensor satellite observations for long-term water quality monitoring in coastal areas
Arabi, Behnaz1  Salama, Mhd. Suhyb1  Pitarch, Jaime2,3  Verhoef, Wouter1 
[1] Univ Twente, Fac Geoinformat Sci & Earth Observat ITC, Dept Water Resources WRS, POB 217, NL-7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands
[2] NIOZ Royal Netherlands Inst Sea Res, Dept Coastal Syst, POB 59, NL-1790 AB Den Burg, Texel, Netherlands
[3] Univ Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
关键词: Long-term water quality monitoring;    Remote sensing;    Integration;    Multi-sensor satellites;    In-situ measurements;    Hyperspectral observations;    MERIS;    MSI;    OLCI;    ENVISAT;    Sentinel-2;    Sentinel-3;    2SeaColor;    MODTRAN;    Radiative Transfer modeling;    Coastal waters;    The Wadden Sea;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.rse.2020.111632
来源: Elsevier
【 摘 要 】

Recently, there have been significant efforts in the integration of in-situ and satellite observations for effective monitoring of coastal areas (e.g., the Copernicus program of the European Space Agency). In this study, a 15-year diurnal variation of Water Constituent Concentrations (WCCs) was retrieved from multi-sensor satellite images and in-situ hyperspectral measurements using Radiative Transfer (RT) modeling in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The existing RT model 2SeaColor was inverted against time series of in-situ hyperspectral measurements of water leaving reflectances (R-rs [sr(-1)]) for the simultaneous retrieval of WCCs (i.e., Chlorophyll-a (Chla), Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM)) on a daily basis between 2003 and 2018 at the NIOZ jetty station (the NJS) located in the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea. At the same time, the existing coupled atmosphere-hydro-optical RT model MOD2SEA was used for the simultaneous retrieval of WCCs from time series of multi-sensor satellite images of the MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) onboard ENVISAT, Multispectral Instrument (MSI) onboard Sentinel-2 and Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) onboard Sentinel-3 between 2003 and 2018 over the Dutch Wadden Sea. At the NJS, a direct comparison (Taylor diagram and statistical analysis) showed strong agreement between in-situ and satellite-derived WCC values (Chla: R-2 >= 0.70, RMSE <= 7.5 [mg m(-3)]; SPM: R-2 >= 0.72, RMSE <= 5.5 [g m(-)3]; CDOM absorption at 440 nm: R-2 >= 0.67, RMSE <= 1.7 [m(-1)]). Next, the plausibility of the spatial variation of retrieved WCCs over the study area was evaluated by generating maps of Chla [mg m(-3)], SPM [g m(-3]), and CDOM absorption at 440 nm [m(-1)] from MERIS and OLCI images using the MOD2SEA model. The integration of the spatio-temporal WCC data obtained from in-situ measurements and satellite images in this study finds applications for the detection of anomaly events and serves as a warning for management actions in the complex coastal waters of the Wadden Sea.

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