BMC Veterinary Research
DISCONTOOLS: a database to identify research gaps on vaccines, pharmaceuticals and diagnostics for the control of infectious diseases of animals
Research Article
Johannes Charlier1  Jim Scudamore2  Morgane Delavergne3  Declan O’Brien3 
[1] Avia-GIS, Risschotlei 33, 2980, Zoersel, Belgium;Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK;International Federation for Animal Health Europe, box 8, Avenue de Tervueren 168, 1150, Brussels, Belgium;
关键词: Prioritisation;    Animal disease;    Research needs;    EU;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s12917-016-0931-1
 received in 2015-12-11, accepted in 2016-12-17,  发布年份 2017
来源: Springer
【 摘 要 】

BackgroundThe public and private sector in the EU spend around €800 million per year on animal health and welfare related research. An objective process to identify critical gaps in knowledge and available control tools should aid the prioritisation of research in order to speed up the development of new or improved diagnostics, vaccines and pharmaceuticals and reduce the burden of animal diseases.MethodHere, we describe the construction of a database based on expert consultation for 52 infectious diseases of animals.ResultsFor each disease, an expert group produced a disease and product analysis document that formed the basis for gap analysis and prioritisation. The prioritisation model was based on a closed scoring system, employing identical weights for six evaluation criteria (disease knowledge; impact on animal health and welfare; impact on public health; impact on wider society; impact on trade; control tools). The diseases were classified into three groups: epizootic diseases, food-producing animal complexes or zoonotic diseases.DiscussionThe highly ranked diseases in the prioritisation model comprised mostly zoonotic and epizootic diseases with important gaps identified in vaccine development and pharmaceuticals, respectively. The most important outcome is the identification of key research needs by disease. The rankings and research needs by disease are provided on a public website (www.discontools.eu) which is currently being updated based on new expert consultations. ConclusionAs such, it can become a reference point for funders of research including the European Commission, member states, foundations, trusts along with private industry to prioritise research. This will deliver benefits in terms of animal health and welfare but also public health, societal benefits and a safe and secure food supply.

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