Frontiers in Sustainable Cities
Harnessing behavioral psychology to encourage individuals' adoption of pollinator conservation behaviors
Sustainable Cities
S. Kris Braman1  Conor G. Fair2 
[1] Department of Entomology, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States;null;
关键词: theory of planned behavior;    value-belief-norm theory;    pollinator conservation;    pro-environmental behavior;    social psychology;    intentions;    attitudes;   
DOI  :  10.3389/frsc.2023.1165296
 received in 2023-02-13, accepted in 2023-08-21,  发布年份 2023
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】

The economic and ecological importance of pollinators and the increasingly evident decline of their populations have drawn concern from scientists, governments, and individuals alike. While research has focused on the ecological causes and solutions to pollinator declines, it is less understood how to motivate actual behavior changes to help conserve pollinators. Behavioral psychologists have developed many theories to explain how human behavioral drivers affect the adoption of pro-environmental behaviors such as recycling and other sustainability actions. A comprehensive model incorporating norm activation theory, the new ecological paradigm, values-belief-norm theory, and the theory of planned behavior suggests various psychological determinants that drive changes in pro-environmental behaviors. A survey was constructed using Qualtrics software to measure and analyze >1,500 individuals' responses to questions designed to test the relationships between different types of pollinator conservation behaviors and the sociopsychological determinants of an individual's intention to perform said behaviors. Previous behaviors, issue awareness, and positive attitudes toward pollinators consistently predict increased intention to perform pollinator conservation behaviors, which supports related research on pro-environmental behaviors. Other determinants, such as ascription of responsibility and perceived behavioral control, had positive effects on the intention to perform some of the tested pollinator conservation behaviors. Understanding these relationships could help improve efforts to educate and increase the adoption of these pollinator conservation behaviors. Finally, many determinants had mixed and fewer significant relationships with the intention to perform conservation behaviors, which suggests the need for revisions to the specific wording of the survey tools and additional testing of these psychological determinants.

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Copyright © 2023 Fair and Braman.

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