A uniform reaching phase strategy in adaptive sliding mode control
DOI  :  10.1016/j.automatica.2023.110854
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】

In adaptive sliding mode control methods, an updating gain strategy associated with finite-time convergence to the sliding set is essential to deal with matched bounded perturbations with unknown upper-bound. However, the estimation of the finite time of any adaptive design is a complicated task since it depends not only on the upper-bound of unknown perturbation but also on the size of initial conditions. This brief proposes a uniform adaptive reaching phase strategy (ARPS) within a predefined reaching-time. Moreover, as a case of study, the barrier function approach is extended for perturbed MIMO systems with uncertain control matrix. The usage of proposed ARPS in the MIMO case solves simultaneously two issues: giving a uniform reaching phase with a predefined reaching-time and adapting to the perturbation norm while in a predefined vicinity of the sliding set.(c) 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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