An experimental and theoretical approach for stiffness of machine tool spindle with fluid bearings
DOI  :  10.1007/s00170-023-11710-9
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】

Spindle nose stiffness is a leading technical indicator of machine tool spindle. However, the stiffness of machine tool spindle supported by fluid bearings has not been studied thoroughly, by far; there is not an ideal approach to obtain the spindle nose stiffness due to the nonlinear fluid bearings. This paper proposes a new methodology for the spindle nose stiffness including definition of the spindle nose stiffness with the fluid bearings, experimental and theoretical approach to obtain the spindle nose stiffness. A motorized spindle with hydrodynamic water-lubricated spiral groove bearings developed in our laboratory is selected as an object; a theoretical and experimental investigation on the spindle nose stiffness is conducted. The result shows that the proposed methodology is applicable for obtaining the spindle nose stiffness with the fluid bearings; the experimental device has the advantages of simple structure, low cost, and convenient operation. Meanwhile, the spindle nose stiffness can be calculated by simultaneously solving the dynamic model of rotor-bearing system. We expect an improvement for the experimental device by introducing another load device to apply a perturbed load with an any angle to the external load on the spindle nose.

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