A Unified Multibit PUF and TRNG Based on Ring Oscillators for Secure IoT Devices
DOI  :  10.1109/JIOT.2022.3224298
来源: SCIE
【 摘 要 】

Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) and true random number generators (TRNGs) are cryptographic primitives very well suited for secure IoT devices. This article proposes a circuit, named multibit-RO-PUF-TRNG, which offers the advantages of unifying PUF and TRNG in the same design. It is based on counting the oscillations of pairs of ring oscillators (ROs), one of them acting as a reference. Once the counter of the reference oscillator reaches a fixed value, the count value of the other RO is employed to provide the TRNG and the multibit PUF response. A mathematical model is presented that supports not only the circuit foundations but also a novel and simple calibration procedure that allows optimizing the selection of the design parameters. Experimental results are illustrated with large data sets from two families of FPGAs with different process nodes (90 and 28 nm). These results confirm that the proposed calibration provides TRNG and PUF responses with high quality. The raw TRNG bits do not need post-processing and the PUF bits (even 6 bits per RO) show very small aliasing. In the application context of obfuscating and reconstructing secrets generated by the TRNG, the multibit PUF response, together with the proposal of using error-correcting codes and RO selection adapted to each bit, provide savings of at least 79.38% of the ROs compared to using a unibit PUF without RO selection. The proposal has been implemented as an APB peripheral of a VexRiscv RV32I core to illustrate its use in a secure FPGA-based IoT device.

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