Nuclear Fushion
Compact fusion energy based on the spherical tokamak
A. Sykes1  A.E. Costley1  C.G. Windsor1  O. Asunta1  G. Brittles1  P. Buxton1  V. Chuyanov1  J.W. Connor1  M.P. Gryaznevich1  B. Huang1  J. Hugill1  A. Kukushkin2  D. Kingham1  A.V. Langtry1  S. McNamara1  J.G. Morgan4  P. Noonan1  J.S.H. Ross1  V. Shevchenko1  R. Slade1  G. Smith1 
[1] Tokamak Energy Ltd, Culham Science Centre;NRC ‘Kurchatov Institute’;MRNU MEPhI;Culham Electromagnetics Ltd, Culham Science Centre;Department of Materials, University of Oxford
关键词: fusion energy;    spherical tokamak;    high temperature superconductor;   
DOI  :  10.1088/1741-4326/aa8c8d
来源: Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd.
【 摘 要 】

Tokamak Energy Ltd, UK, is developing spherical tokamaks using high temperature superconductor magnets as a possible route to fusion power using relatively small devices. We present an overview of the development programme including details of the enabling technologies, the key modelling methods and results, and the remaining challenges on the path to compact fusion.

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