International Journal of Advanced Network, Monitoring, and Controls
The Design of Remote Control System Based on the Embedded Web Server
Xu Shuping1  Yue Hongqing1  Yang Fan1  Wan Yajuan1 
[1] School of Computer Science and Engineering Xi’an Technological University Xi’an
关键词: CGI;    Remote Control;    Web Serve;    Embedded Systems;   
DOI  :  10.21307/ijanmc-2021-007
来源: Asociación Regional De Diálisis Y Trasplantes Renales
【 摘 要 】

In order to expedite the development of the control network, according to the newest fruition of the internet, the hardware and software of the system is designed. Since the resource of the sever in embedded remote control system is limited, an approach is presented which use CGI and XML technology to realize remote monitoring computer and embedded Web server for dynamic interaction. Combined with the basic requirements of embedded remote control system, the idea of component design is proposed, the major components of system functions are defined. According to the system functional requirement, the software is designed and realized. The practice prove, the scheme realize the remote control of the transmitter by the small cost. And the system is convenient and safe. The definite reference value is offered to the offspring complex remote control system.

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