Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics
Radiological Risk Assessment due to Radon and Thoron in the Dwellings of Peddamula Village, Nalgonda District, Telangana, India
G Suman1  M Sreenath Reddy2  K Vinay Kumar Reddy3  Ch. Gopal Reddy2  P Yadagiri Reddy2 
[1] Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology;Department of Physics, Osmania University;Department of Physics, Chaithanya Bharathi Institute of Technology;Department of Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University
关键词: Decay chain;    Effective dose;    Radon;    Thoron;    Uranium;    Thorium;    Article;   
DOI  :  10.56042/ijpap.v61i6.2420
来源: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources
【 摘 要 】

Radon and thoron are significant contributors for radiological risk in indoors and are originating from decay chain of uranium and thorium, which are prevalent in the environment. These concentrations in indoors depends on the presence of uranium and thorium concentration, and lifestyle of the habitants. The village “Peddamula” is located in the neighbourhood area of proposed mining for exploration of uranium. The estimated concentration of radon and thoron is found in the range 14- 448 Bq.m-3 with an average value of 120 ± 82 Bq.m-3 (GM 100Bq.m-3), and vary from 7 to 452 Bq.m-3with an average value of 154 ± 111 Bq.m-3 (GM 112Bq.m-3), respectively. Computed the contribution to the effective dose per annum from, radon 3.02 mSv.y-1 and thoron is 4.32mSv.y-1. In this paper the seasonal variation and distribution of 222Rn and 220Rn levels in the dwellings of the study area will be discussed.

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