Requirements for experts conducting energy certification of buildings
Nada Marđetko Škoro1 
[1] Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning
关键词: environmental protection;    energy efficiency;    energy audit of buildings;    energy certification of buildings;   
DOI  :  10.14256/JCE.643.2011
来源: Hrvatsko Drustvo Gradevinskih Inzenjera
【 摘 要 】

Energy audits and energy performance certification of buildings dominantly contribute to an increase in energy efficiency of buildings, and this through reduced use of energy and environmental protection. The need to ensure adequate quality of energy audits and energy certificates for buildings has resulted in development of a new profile of experts vested with highly specific competencies. An overview of requirements set for experts conducting energy audits and energy certification of buildings, compliant with European directives, is given. Conclusions reached on some European projects, and solutions applied in the Republic of Croatia, are also presented.

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