Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics
High Order Mimetic Finite Difference Operators Satisfying a Gauss Divergence Theorem
Corbino J1  Castillo JE1 
[1] Computational Science Research Center, San Diego State University
关键词: Mimetic;    Finite-difference;    Castillo-Grone method;    Differential operators;    High-order;   
DOI  :  10.4172/2168-9679.1000387
来源: Hilaris Publisher
【 摘 要 】

High order mimetic finite difference operators that satisfy a discrete extended Gauss Divergence theorem are presented. These operators have the same order of accuracy in the interior as well as the boundary, no free parameters and optimal bandwidth. They are constructed on staggered grids, using weighted inner products with a diagonal norm. We present several examples to demonstrate that mimetic finite difference schemes using these operators produce excellent results.

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