Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
Field emission of Electrons from Negatively Charged Cylindrical Particles with Nonlinear Screening in a Dusty Plasma
Gyan Prakash1 
[1] Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University
关键词: Nonlinear screening;    Tunnelling effect;    Dusty plasma;    Electron emission;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

In this communication, electric field emission of electrons from negatively charged cylindrical particles in the regime of nonlinear screening has been discussed. Using the suitable representation of the nonlinear screening by Gurevich and the matrix method, the tunnelling probability of an electron through the potential energy barrier around the charged cylindrical particle has been evaluated as a function of its radial energy; and the corresponding values of the current density have also been calculated. The note completes with the discussion of numerical results. This investigation is useful in dusty plasma and laboratory in case of metallic wires and nanotubes.

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