International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Microcontroller Based AutomaticMultichannel Temperature MonitoringSystem
Kailash Pati Dutta1  Pankaj Rai2  Rakesh Kumar Pandey1 
[1] Dept. of ECE, Cambridge Institute of Technology, Ranchi;Dept. of Electrical Engineering
关键词: Ef f i c i e n c y;    Mi c r o c o n t r o l l e r;    UART;    Compiler;    Thermocouples;    Serial Peripheral Interface;   
DOI  :  10.15662/ijareeie.2014.0309011
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

The term Monitoring system also called data logger is commonly used to describe a self-contained, standalone data acquisition system or device that automatically records, scans and retrieves the data with high speed and greater efficiency during a test or measurement. In this paper, 3 interconnected microcontrollers PIC18F4620, PIC18F262 and PIC16F876A using SPI and UART serial communications has been used. The Program is developed using C programming in MPLAB environment and compiled using MPLAB C 18 C Compiler into .hex file before is written into the microcontroller. LM35DZ and K-type thermocouples are selected as temperature sensors, and SD card and 16×2 dot matrix LCD, mobile phone for GSM modem and DS1307 for real time clock chip are interfaced with the 3 microcontrollers accordingly. The 4×4 matrix keypad uses 8 bit data lines to interface with the microcontrollers.

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