International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
FPGA Implementation of Vigenere CipherMethod Based on Colour Image Steganography
Mr. Mohankumar K N1  H S Jayaramu2  M Z Kurian3  K B Shiva kumar2 
[1] Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology;Dept of TCE, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology;Dept of ECE, Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
关键词: Steganography;    data hiding;    capacity imperceptibility;    stego image;    FPGA;    Vigenere cipher.;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

This paper proposes a new Stenography method employing quantization table using FPGA .In this method new Vigenere Cipher is been used for encryption and decryption of the secret message. The color transformation techniques can be used to increase the modified coefficients so as to have good capacity and stego-size results. The capacity which is the amount of information embedded in color images increases, with the number of modified quantized DWT coefficients.

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