International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Rakesh sahu1  Balaram Das1  Rati Ranjan Sabat1  Manoj Kumar Swain1 
[1] Dept. of EEE, Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology
关键词: Micro grid;    PV array;    wind turbine;    Biomass;    HOMER.;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes the process used to plan, design, and implement an on-grid electrical system for an institution located in rural area. The proper hybrid model of renewable energy will meet the power demand in remote areas where the grid supply is not reliable and efficient. Also the extra generated power can be supplied to grid for revenue generation. The rapid advances in wind-turbine generator, Biomass generator and photovoltaic technologies have brought opportunities for the utilization of these resources in remote areas gives a better alternative for grid power. The use of Biogas, wind and solar resources for electric power generation is available throughout the world free of cost. Hence, the economic aspects of these technologies are now adequately hopeful to also justify their use in smallscale stand-alone applications for small institutional use. If the development of a computer-based approach for evaluating the general performance of standalone hybrid wind-biogas-PV generating systems are analyzed and their results are reached to the common consumer with the economic analysis these systems can made our power supply system more efficient and reliable. In this paper a simulation approach has been suggested for designing On-grid system. Hourly average of wind speed/solar radiation and biomass data is taken for the generating unit and the anticipated load data are used to predict the general performance of the generating system. The excess wind/biogas/solar-generated power, when available, is used to supply the power to the on-grid. Simulation studies were carried out using HOMER software. Simulation results will be given for performance evaluation and its efficiency of a stand-alone hybrid wind-Biogas-PV generating unit for a small institution assumed to be located in a remote area which is analyzed as connected with grid and without connected to grid. Finally, the results obtained and methods are suggested to enhance the performance of the proposed model.

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