International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Video Streaming by Reconfiguring the PacketInformation and Controlled Sampling Ratefor WMNs
Vibha.C.Amboji1  Mrs.Pankaja.B.Patil2  Swati.S.Killikatt1 
[1] Department of CSE, GIT;Department of MCA, GIT
关键词: Compressed Sensing;    Network Optimization;    Multimedia Streaming;    Congestion Control;    Sensor Networks.;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

The work is carried on to design of a networked system for joint compression, rate control and error correction of video over resource-constrained embedded devices based on the theory of compressed sensing. The objective of this work is to design a cross-layer system that jointly controls the video encoding rate, the transmission rate, and the channel coding rate to maximize the received video quality. It is shown that compressed sensing can overcome many of the current problems of video over WMSNs, primarily encoder complexity and low resiliency to channel errors. A rate controller is then developed with the objective of maintaining fairness among video streams while maximizing the received video quality and the packets reconfiguration if there is any loss in the packet. It is shown that the rate of compressed sensed video can be predictably controlled by varying only the compressed sensing sampling rate. The rate controller is shown to outperform existing TCP-friendly rate control schemes in terms of received video quality.

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