International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
Efficient Voltage Regulation in Three PhaseA.C. Transmission Lines Using Static VARCompensator
Avneesh Kumar Vishwakarma1  Dhaneshwari Sahu1 
[1] Dept. of ET&T, Raipur Institute of Technology
关键词: Transmission lines;    Voltage Regulation;    FACTS;    and Static Var Compensator;   
来源: Research & Reviews
【 摘 要 】

Due to the rapid technological progress, the consumption of electric energy increases continuously. But the transmission systems are not extended to the same extent because building of new lines is difficult for environmental as well as political reasons. Hence, the systems are driven closer to their limits resulting in congestions and critical situations endangering the system security. Power Flow Control devices such as Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) provide the opportunity to influence power flows and voltages and therefore to enhance system security, e.g. by resolving congestions and improving the voltage profile. From the last few years static var compensator plays an important role in voltage regulation in AC Transmission Systems. This paper deals with the designing and implementation of Static Var compensator for Efficient Voltage regulation in three phase A.C. transmission lines in MATLAB Simulink platform.

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