Bone & Joint Research
Transcutaneous osseointegration for amputees: lessons from the past of relevance to the future
Jason Shih Hoellwarth1  Kevin Tetsworth2  Muhammad Adeel Akhtar3  Munjed Al Muderis1 
[1]Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Macquarie University Hospital, Macquarie University
[2]Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
[3]Trauma and Orthopaedic Department, Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy
关键词: Osseointegration;    History;    Amputation;    Infection;    titanium implants;    stainless steel;    titanium;    osseointegrated prostheses;    Prosthetic;    morbidity;    bacteria;    periprosthetic fracture;   
DOI  :  10.1302/2046-3758.1010.BJR-2021-0235.R2
来源: British Editorial Society Of Bone And Joint Surgery
【 摘 要 】
Transcutaneous limb osseointegrationimproves pain, mobility, and quality of lifefor patients struggling with a traditionalsocket prosthesis (TSP)1,2 by eliminating thesocket and anchoring the prosthetic limbto the skeleton. This represents the greatestparadigm shift in amputee rehabilitationsince Ambroise Paré’s prosthetic designs inthe 1500s.3 Given the recent USA Food andDrug Administration (FDA) approval of, andlarge government-sponsored organizationalinterest in osseointegration implants,4,5 asurge of implant development and surgicalinterest is forthcoming. Understanding theorigins and evolution of osseointegration,including the unsuccessful attempts, is bothinteresting and clinically responsible to helpenterprising surgeons and implant manufacturers avoid known design and techniqueshortcomings. Repeating known problemsincreases development time and cost andcauses patient morbidity, while evokingunwarranted disapproval from the medicalcommunity.6 Accordingly, this editorial hastwo aims: first, to inspire and guide interested perusal of early foundational literature,which unfortunately is sometimes difficult tolocate or even identify; and second, to callfor more responsible reporting of situationswhich lead to patient morbidity.
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