Anales de Psicologia
Perception of organizational politics, psychological safety climate, and work engagement: A cross-level analysis using hierarchical linear modeling
Renata Silva de Carvalho Chinelato1  Susana Maria de Oliveira e Mota Tavares2  Maria Cristina Ferreira3  Felipe Valentini4 
[1] Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina;Instituto Universitário de Lisboa;Universidade Salgado de Oliveira;Universidade São Francisco
关键词: Organizational politics;    Employee engagement;    Organizational climate;    Multilevel analysis;   
DOI  :  10.6018/analesps.36.2.368621
来源: Ediciones De La Universidad De Murcia
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this research was to empirically test the hypothesis that the organizational psychological safety climate and the perception of organizational politics predict the extent to which employees feel engaged in their work. Using hierarchical linear modeling and data collected from 1,244 employees in 64 organizations, organizational level psychological safety climate and employee-level perception of organizational politics predicted employee work engagement. There was also an unexpected significant cross-level interaction, so that the negative effect of the perception of organizational politics was amplified in organizations with a positive psychological safety climate. In other words, organizational psychological safety benefits the work engagement of individuals more when they perceive the existence of low organizational politics. The results offer insight into the mechanisms by which the perceived organizational context may influence employees‟ work engagement and highlight the importance for the perceived organizational consistency in the promotion of work engagement within their organization.

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