Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research
Vitamin D, Immune System and Its Relationship with Diseases
Nevin Sanliera1  Merve Guney Coskunb2 
[1]Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ankara Medipol University
[2]Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Istanbul Medipol University
关键词: Diseases;    Health;    Immune system;    Vitamin D;   
DOI  :  10.54608.annalsmedical.2022.16
来源: Medknow
【 摘 要 】
Objective: Vitamin D is classi ied as an immunomodulatory hormonesynthesized on skin exposure to sunlight. It is known to come into playduring the regulation of hormone secretion, immune functions, cellproliferation, and differentiation. Its de iciency can cause plentiful diseasesalong with their associated pleiotropic effects. In this direction, the availableline of research as to the effects of vitamin D absorption, metabolism, healtheffects/bene its, effects/health bene its, de iciency of vitamin D, VDR, and 25-hydroxyvitamin D was reviewed. Methods: The literature review wasconducted through selected websites, involving Medline, Embase, Web ofScience, Cochrane Central, PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, EFSA,plus the World Health Organization. Results: The mentioned aspects, vis-àvisits eminent function toward adaptive immune response and innateimmune response, vitamin D levels are ascribed to immune tolerance.Vitamin D is found effective fort he regulation of hormone secretion,immune functions, cell proliferation along with differentiation. Its role as animmune modulator is based on the presence of receptors on a good numberof immune cells and the synthesis of its active metabolite from these cells.Vitamin D, an immune system modulator, inhibits cell proliferation andstimulates cell differentiation. Conclusion: There is not enough safety datato be able to give appropriate advice to individuals through a risk bene itanalysis regarding the potential advantages of vitamin D against possiblerisks. To get the most bene its for health from vitamin D, more studies areneeded on individual consumption and the relation of dose response.
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